The first part of the 'Preparation Exercise', briefly described below, is not meditation - as that term is usually understood. It is more concerned with a direct and pure connection between the instrument of Creative Will - 'attention' (that originates from beyond consciousness) - and the instrument of Consciousness - 'sensation' (that originates from beyond the body).
At least initially, the Preparation Exercise attempts to intentionally 'tap into' the latent energies of the body, and to sustain this contact to elicit a different 'State of Being' - a more collected presence that can act as an effectual container for the realities associated with different parts of the Soul.
The Preparation Exercise is, fundamentally, an exercise to prepare oneself to sustain this 'uncommon' contact in the midst of everyday life where other practices can be effectively introduced for Soul development.
A Very, Very Brief Guide
The beginning
Spine vertical, feet flat on the ground or underneath, hands on the lap or together, I gently find a posture that is both stable and supportive - I don’t rush.
When I feel settled, ready, I connect with my 'wish' and turn my attention to the top of my head.
I begin to try to ’sense’ the top of my head (to connect with the sensations of the skin, muscles, pulsating blood, warmth, etc), and then move the attention to the forehead, sides and then the back of the head.
I then sense the ears, eyes, nose, cheeks, jaw, lips and mouth. I move into the neck (front, back and sides).
I then sense my shoulders, chest, back (upper, middle, lower) and abdomen.
I sense my upper arms, elbows, lower arms, wrists and hands.
I sense my hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, ankles and feet.
I then try to sense the ‘whole’ of my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes - then I let that go.
Then the first circulation
I now turn my attention to my RIGHT HAND. I sense all of the fingers and thumb, and the webbing between the fingers.
I sense the top of my hand, palm, then wrist, lower arm (front, back, sides), then the elbow and the crux of the elbow.
I sense the upper arm (front, back, sides), then the shoulder.
I then move back down the arm - from the shoulder to the upper arm, elbow, lower arm, wrist and hand.
I then try to sense the ‘whole’ of my RIGHT ARM - taking in the impressions as one piece - then I let that go.
Then the second circulation
I then turn my attention to my RIGHT FOOT. I sense all of the toes and the webbing between the toes.
I sense the top of my foot, underneath the foot, the heel, and then ankle, lower leg (front, back, sides), then the knee and the crux of the knee.
I sense the thigh (front, back, sides), then the hip.
I then move back down the leg - from the hip to the thighs, knee, lower leg, ankle and foot.
I then try to sense the ‘whole’ of my RIGHT LEG - taking in the impression as one piece - then I let that go.
Then the third circulation
I now turn my attention to my LEFT FOOT. I sense all of the toes and the webbing between the toes.
I sense the top of my foot, underneath the foot, the heel, and then ankle, lower leg (front, back, sides), then the knee and the crux of the knee.
I sense the thigh (front, back, sides), then the hip.
I then move back down the leg - from the hip to the thigh, knee, lower leg, ankle and foot.
I then try to sense the ‘whole’ of my LEFT LEG - taking in the impression as one piece - then I let that go.
Then the fourth circulation
I now turn my attention to my LEFT HAND. I sense all of the fingers and thumb, and the webbing between the fingers.
I sense the top of my hand, palm, then wrist, lower arm (front, back, sides), then the elbow and the crux of the elbow.
I sense the upper arm (front, back, sides), then the shoulder.
I then move back down the arm - from the shoulder to the upper arm, elbow, lower arm, wrist and hand.
I then try to sense the ‘whole’ of my LEFT ARM - taking in the impressions as one piece - then I let that go.
The completion
I now return to ’sense’ the top of my head, and move the attention to the forehead, sides and then the back of the head.
I then sense the ears, eyes, nose, cheeks, jaw, lips and mouth. I move into the neck (front, back and sides).
I then sense my shoulders, chest, back (upper, middle, lower) and abdomen.
I sense my upper arms, elbows, lower arms, wrists and hands.
I sense my hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, ankles and feet.
I then try to sense the ‘whole’ of my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes - then I let that go.
I stay with my body until I have a sense of a need to gently move into my day, mobilised by a firm wish and a concrete aim - then I let that go, and head towards life.